I have been looking at the loopy scarves at Target and other department stores and have seen a few patterns for knitted and crocheted loopy scarves in pattern books, but found that keeping the loops at the same length was hard and that the project wasn't worth the time it took. I love to try new things so I searched the internet for loopy scarf patterns and found this pattern for the Knifty Knitter.
Now I had bought the Knifty Knitter set a few weeks back, since I am addicted to all things knitting, but hadn't tried it yet. Call me a skeptic, but when I bought the knifty knitter, I really didn't anticipate I would like it this much since I'm a good knitter and my thought was that anything I would make on the loom could just as easily be knit on circular needles. I was wrong!!!!!!!! This is the perfect pattern for it.
I brought it out and played with plain worsted yarn but thought the loops were a little big with 10 pegs so I brought out some of the yarn I had bought when Target was selling out yarn in the dollar section and tried wrapping 6 pegs instead. Wa La......success, and it is a no brainer. Very easy and the loops are all perfect. Another project to do before Christmas. It takes a little over an hour to do one and any yarn with texture works greats, so I will be doing a few as little extra gifts to throw in and I bought a couple sets of the knify knitter to give as gifts.
It's hard to tell but this one is made with a dark pink, white and black varigated eyelash yarn and a grey chenille yarn. I had tried using the eyelash yarn (pictured below) to make a garter stitch scarf and though it was very pretty on the skein it looked like a spotted cow with pink blotches knit up. This pattern was perfect for it. Again I did the loops 6 pegs long instead of

Everyone who has seen the scarves has loved them.
When I was at Michael's last week I noticed they were selling a lot of the Knifty Knitter sets.
love your patterns...thanks for sharing them... I'm going to make a ice scraper mitt for dad for Xmas!
Holly is really cute.
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