Last night I started the Babies and Bears Sweater by Cottage Creations for the Lakeshore Knitting Guild project. I picked a yellow acrylic from the stash for my first try at this. The pattern suggests making the first one in acrylic to fit size 12 to 18 month. I started out with 4 size 8 needles and went on to add a fifth before switching to a circular needle. So far it is a pretty simple pattern even though I find the directions to be quite wordy. I'll probably rewrite them more concisely myself before I make the next one.

The night before last I started a Shawl - again in stash acrylic - for myself to wear at night when letting the dogs out over pjs. It is a simple garter stitch shawl started at the top middle with increases on both ends and in the middle. The yarn has been in the stash for years, looking for a good use. I started with just the print and decided to add the black to show off the triangle shape better. It is fun to work on and definitely no brainer knitting.

Holly made her first visit to the vet on Monday night. She weighed eleven pounds and was declared healthy as well as cute. He thinks she will be blonder than Honey which will be good so that when she is grown it will be easier to tell them apart. She is doing well and has gotten up to 6 straight hours of sleeping at night, which is much easier for me. Honey went along since she needed shots and while we were waiting a 5 month old golden came in. I wish I had had my camera to take a picture of the three of them.
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